Thursday, 8 August 2013

Dave's Summer War with Spain

Labour's Fight Back Week Goes Well


Tory MPs spent the week trying to start a war with Spain, in which the PM declared victory a little prematurely

Now the news is breaking that Cameron is to send three frigates to the area as the War of Spanish Aggression escalates. 

While Ed is away, disgruntled Labour colleagues came out to play. In the quietest few weeks of the political year, Miliband is on holiday just as his MPs are getting restless again. This time about his sense of direction, one of his detractors did not do their home work though. Allies of Ed Balls chose this interesting time to weigh into the union reform debate, and top it all off David Miliband popped up again, refusing to go away to America quietly. This was meant to be a week where Labour attacked, yet choosing the ground of zero-hour contracts to fight on did not end well for them. Two face Chuka was inhot water for taking money from the bookies, but at least there is one honest Labour politician.

A tetchy time for Tories too. First Guido revealed that former party treasurer Peter Cruddas was throwing a party to celebrate his victory, then he waswriting a book. Dave finally got round to sort of apologising for throwing Cruddas to the wolves, who spotted celebrating in style with Lord Ashcroft at the Hotel du Cap in Nice. 

Elsewhere, Bob Crow was boozing, Chris Huhne was cruising and musing and Rolf Harris got nicked. Again.

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