Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Project for the Registration of Children as British Citizens (PRCBC

Project for the Registration of Children as British Citizens (PRCBC)

Since the beginning of this year, we have been working on a project to register children as British.

The importance of citizenship for those who are able to obtain it is highlighted by the Secretary of State on page 6 of the MNl form guide, which points out that:

 "Citizenship is a "significant life event". Apart from allowing a child to apply for a British Citizen passport, British citizenship gives them the opportunity to participate more fully in the life of their local community as they grow up." When a minor registers as a British citizen(s)he obtains all the advantages of citizenship, including access to housing and legal help, social benefits and the right to remain in Britain. S/he also enjoys all rights as a citizen of the European Union.

What it is: Many children are eligible to register as British citizens, but do not do so, for various reasons. We aim to support the increase in the number of children who register as British citizens.

Why do we do it: When a minor registers as a British citizen (s)he obtains all the advantages of citizenship, including access to housing and legal help, social benefits and the right to remain in Britain. At its worst, a child who is not registered is at risk of being deported, often to a country s/he has barely lived in and knows nothing about.

What we do:
* We run monthly surgery slots for legally more complex cases:

* We do legal casework which is carried out by the project's solicitor, Solange Valdez, who works for Ealing Law Centre (sponsor of the project);

* We support and refer cases to other firms of solicitors or advice agencies;

* We train those working with children such as Social Services, voluntary organizations and other agencies;

* We work to find means of addressing the affordability of the application registration fee which currently costs £673 pounds for one child.

* We work to get the word out about the possibility of registration for eligible children;

Who we are: The founder and supervising solicitor is Solange Valdez, and the project coordinator is Carol Bohmer, LL.M., Ph.D. The project is sponsored by Ealing Law Centre.

How are we funded: The project has no current funding and it operates entirely on a pro bono basis by the project coordinators and more recently with the support of Ealing Law Centre and other organizations working with children.

Why should you get involved: The work of the project is an important way to work for social change in Britain by integrating children into our society.

How you can help: By supporting the aims and objectives of the project, by referring possible cases to us for evaluation, and by giving a donation or by sponsoring a child's payment of the UKBA application registration fee.

If you wish to donate to the project: Cheques can be made payable to Ealing Law Centre and sent to Solange Valdez, PRCBC, c/o Ealing Law Centre, 210 Northfield

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